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Italian TV quotes Rodrigo Faro in case of citizenship corruption

TV presenter, businesspeople and football players have Italian citizenship processes canceled in the Naples region.

Rodrigo Faro Italian citizenship
Italian TV quotes Rodrigo Faro in case of corruption in citizenship | Photo: Disclosure

This Monday (27.05.2024), the police of Nápoles, in southern Italy, executed a preventive arrest warrant issued by the judge of the Naples North Court, at the request of the local prosecutor's office, against six people strongly suspected of criminal association, falsification of public documents and corruption.

Among those arrested are two Brazilians, Silmara Fabotti, from the company Right to Cittadinanza, and Flavio Alan Yogui, who intermediated requests to obtain residence and recognition of Italian citizenship.

Silmara Fabotti was detained in Operation Carioca by the Naples police | Photo: Fama Magazine
Silmara Fabotti was detained in Operation Carioca by the Naples police | Photo: Fama Magazine

In addition to them, four public servants from municipality of Villaricca, including members of the civil registration department (Stato Civile), Alessio De Rosa, Alessandro Di Vivo and Antonio Opera, and of the Villaricca Local Police, Antonio Amato, were placed under house arrest.

Italian TV quotes Rodrigo Faro in case of citizenship corruption

The activity benefited several Brazilian citizens, including well-known and prominent figures, such as businessmen, football players and television presenters, whose names were revealed by the newspaper TGR, RAI News.

When citing Rodrigo Faro and his wife, the news said that there is a “fictional Italian city of Brazilian VIPs”, also mentioning the player Bruno Duarte da Silva, who plays as a striker for Farense, a club in the Portuguese football Primeira Liga.

“[In] the fictional Italian city of Brazilian VIPs, including football player Bruno Duarte da Silva, striker for the Portuguese club. Among the well-known Brazilian national TV presenters, Rodrigo Faro and his wife (Vera Lúcia Viel Faro) and some jewelry businessmen from São Paulo, Brazil, who were involved in profitable businesses throughout Europe,” said the reporter from TGR.

Suspects were being monitored

The investigations began based on the results of a previous monitoring activity in the municipality of Villaricca, which benefited from information obtained through wiretapping and surveillance of the suspects.

According to the local press, the criminal activity reconstructed by the investigations aimed to make it appear that Brazilian citizens resided in Villaricca, when in reality they were not present, thus allowing them to request the Italian citizenship.

According to TGR, the criminal organization was led by Brazilians who maintained four properties where Brazilian citizens who had requested Italian citizenship were falsely registered as residents.

80 thousand euros, around R$449.590, were seized in cash, in addition to Rolex watches.

Italian newspapers highlight the operation against false residences for Italian citizenship | Photo: Il Mattino
Italian newspapers highlight the operation against false residences for Italian citizenship | Photo: Il Mattino

This organization counted on the essential and constant collaboration of municipal employees who, in exchange for money and other benefits, falsified documents, certifying false presence in the municipality and issuing false residence certificates.

Through the analysis of images extracted from the video and audio camera systems installed in the civil registry office of the town hall of Villaricca, it was found that municipal employees allowed the owners of private companies and promoters of the criminal organization to use the offices and IT equipment as they wished. They monitored and guided the processes of interest, periodically receiving sums of money to guarantee their constant collaboration.

The investigations, which lasted around a year, revealed the illegal mechanism implemented in the municipality of Villaricca and made it possible to identify the actions of municipal employees to guarantee the success of the fraudulent procedures.

Updated on 27.05.24, at 16:25 pm

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