Italian citizenship Italy approves increase in citizenship fees in 2025; what doesn't change Budget Law increases fees for Italian citizenship jus sanguinis processes. Find out what has changed and what remains the same. Redaction6 days ago
Italian citizenship Fabio Porta criticizes 'punitive and vexatious' budget against Italian descendants Fabio Porta criticizes "punitive" budget against Italian descendants in the Italian Parliament RedactionDecember 21, 2024
Politics Italy ready for citizenship reform, says Tajani Project foresees restrictions on the so-called 'jus sanguinis' RedactionOctober 8th, 2024
Italian citizenship Italian Parliament reopens discussion on citizenship law In principle, the proposal does not change the rules for recognizing citizenship by blood right RedactionSeptember 30th, 2019
Italian citizenship New Italian Prime Minister defends revising citizenship law Giuseppe Conte made the proposal in a speech to the Chamber of Deputies RedactionSeptember 9th, 2019
Italian citizenship No to illegals, yes to Italians abroad, says Vice-Premier Salvini Salvini met with deputies Eduardo Bolsonaro (PSL) and Roberto Lorenzato (Lega) RedactionApril 20th 2019
Italian citizenship Current Italian citizenship law is excellent, declares Minister Salvini Minister suggests that current Italian citizenship law pleases government RedactionMarch 25th, 2019
Italian citizenship Language becomes a requirement in Italian naturalization processes New rule only affects people who are not related to Italians in their bloodline RedactionDecember 8, 2018
Italian citizenship Salvini's decree on citizenship comes into force. See what changes Decree does not change the rules relating to the recognition of citizenship by blood right RedactionOctober 4th, 2018