The Federal Senate will hold a special session next Thursday (14), at 15 pm, to honor Italian Immigrant Day, which was celebrated on February 21. The request was presented by senator Antonio Anastasia (PSDB-MG) and had the support of senators Tasso Jereissati (PSDB-CE), Rose de Freitas (Pode-ES), Jorge Kajuru (PSB-GO), Eliziane Gama (PPS- MA) and Nelsinho Trad (PSD-MS).
Brazil is one of the countries that received the most Italian immigrants, mainly between 1860 and 1960. According to research by sociologist Simon Schwartzman, former president of the IBGE, approximately 10% of the Brazilian population is of Italian origin. The Italian embassy in Brazil stated in 2013 that there were approximately 30 million descendants of Italians in Brazil. It is estimated that more than 1,5 million Italians came to the country.
Italy was one of the last European countries to form, in the second half of the 19th century. The wars of Italian Unification, mainly against Austria, and the 1st and 2nd World Wars led almost 24 million Italians to leave Italy for various countries.