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Ranking shows the countries with the best policies for immigrants

Report shows that Portugal is one of the friendliest places for immigrants. Italy is 8th.

Ranking shows the countries with the best policies for immigrants

Italy is ranked 8th out of 52 countries assessed in a new report on best immigrant integration policies, produced by MIPEX – Migrant Integration Policy Index.

In the ranking released this week and referring to the year 2019, Italy won 58 points out of a maximum of 100. Slightly above the European average, but serious questions remain regarding access to naturalization and education. 

According to the study, policies in Italy have changed little towards immigrants. The country fell 1 point in the ranking compared to the previous year due to restrictive changes to naturalization and health policies. The Decree-Law that requires the B1 language certificate, as a requirement for the citizenship by naturalization, was cited.

The report focuses on integration policies in eight main areas: education, labor market, family reunification, political participation, permanent residence, access to nationality, anti-discrimination and health.

And “health” was exactly the best evaluated area. Considered “slightly favorable”, according to MIPEX, health services in Italy are generally accessible to immigrants due to a combination of national and regional policies. 

All legal migrants and asylum seekers have the right and duty to register with the National Health Service (SSN). However, the documentation required to access healthcare in the country can be difficult.

Italy's ranking in the latest MIPEX report

Migrant Integration Policy Index 2020

Portugal on the podium

Most sought after destination by Brazilians with dual citizenship, Portugal has one of the most robust laws in the world for the integration of migrants, according to the MIPEX.

According to the study, Portugal has improved its migrant integration policies in recent years, especially in health and education, which earned it 81 points on a scale of 100 – and third place on the podium, behind only Sweden (86) and Finland (85), countries historically more receptive to immigrants.

In terms of combating discrimination, Portugal reached the maximum of 100 points, and is highlighted by its “strong policies” and enforcement mechanisms that “are growing, such as public awareness and reporting”.

Portugal's classification in the latest MIPEX report

Migrant Integration Policy Index 2020

Soon after, Portugal achieves 94 points in terms of mobility in the labor market, where it comes in “first place, alongside Germany and the Nordic countries” for guaranteeing “equal treatment and specific support for both Portuguese citizens and foreign citizens from Europe".

In the area of ​​citizenship, on the other hand, Portugal not only obtained 86 points but also rose 13 in relation to the 2014 index, standing out for its “world-leading citizenship model”, which was reinforced both for immigrants and for descendants of Portuguese.

Outside of Europe, the United States scored 73 points and Australia 65.

The United Kingdom, now outside the European Union, and Switzerland scored 66 and 50 points respectively, failing to offer migrants a secure future.

MIPEX is the responsibility of the Migration Policy Group (MPG) in partnership with the Barcelona Center for International Relations and is co-financed by the European Commission.

Ranking of EU countries on immigrant policies

1 ºSweden86
2 ºFinland85
3 ºPortugal81
4 ºBelgium69
5 ºLuxembourg64
6 ºIreland64
7 ºSpain60
8 ºItaly58
9 ºGermany58
10 ºThe Netherlands57
11 ºFrance56
12 ºEstonia50
13 ºRepública REPUBLIC50
14 ºRoménia49
15 ºDenmark49
16 ºEslovenia48
17 ºMalta48
18 ºGreece46
19 ºAustria46
20 ºHungary43
21 ºCyprus41
22 ºPoland40
23 ºBulgaria 40
24 ºCroatia39
25 ºEslovaquia39
26 ºLetonia37
27 ºLithuania37
Source: Mipex

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