Starting next Sunday (10), the Italianismo portal will publish the series Surnames Italians, which will tell the origin and curiosities related to surnames originating from Italy, in addition to showing celebrities who made these names even better known.
The series will also list the countries where each surname has become more popular over the years, outside of Italy.
The publications promise to create strong identification and arouse the curiosity of readers, especially due to the large amount of descendants of Italians in Brazil, who will certainly find your surname or that of friends in the series chapters.
the origin of Italian surnames is varied and often indicates the place of origin of your ancestors, who lived in times when people were still being named.
Among these cases are surnames such as Veronese (from Verona), Pugliese (from Puglia), Pisani (from Pisa), Siciliano (from Sicily), Calabrese (from Calabria), Padovani (from Padua) or Mantovani (from Mantua).
Some Italian surnames also indicate that ancestors came to Italy from other countries. This is the case with surnames such as Spagnuolo (Spanish), Ungaretti (Hungarian) and Grecco (Greek).
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In many cases, the names also have their origin in the profession exercised by these ancestors: Ferraiolo (blacksmith), Barbieri (barber), Caldarelli (boiler merchant), Pescarini (fisherman), Pastore (shepherd) or Castellani (administrator of a castle ).
Other names, dating back to the time of Roman Empire, like Leoni and Gatti, are inspired by animals and invoke their attributes: the strength of a lion, the agility of a cat and so on.
There are also occurrences of surnames derived from striking physical attributes, such as Barbarossa (red beard), Bellocchi (beautiful eyes) or Gambacorta (short legs).
All these curiosities will be covered in the series Italian Surnames starting this Sunday (10), when the first chapter will be published on the Italianismo portal. Until then!