In times of coronavirus, Camargo/RS broadcast the party live on Facebook
In Serra Gaúcha, the Italian festival is part of the tradition of many cities. And how to do it in times of coronavirus? Camargo, in Rio Grande do Sul, decided to innovate.
This Saturday (23), to celebrate 32 years of emancipation of the municipality, the Italian holiday it was virtual. THE phylum, like the descendants of Italian immigrants called the party, reached residents' homes via live broadcast on Facebook, on the city hall's profile.
“We are physically distant, but always close in heart. I want to tell all Camargueans that we will overcome this moment together and soon we will be doing this filó in community, just like we did last year” (sic), said Mayor Eliani Mesacasa Trentin, known as Nina.
The party was led by professors Roger Trevisan and Rojani Enderle, who run the program Our Language, on the city radio, to keep the dialect alive talian, a variant of the Venetian language.
Judging by the video views, the party was a success. At the time of writing this report, the publication on the city hall profile had more than 11 thousand views – almost four times the population of the municipality, which has around 3 thousand inhabitants.
Watch the full video of the party: