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Italian companies invest in green transition in Brazil

Chamber of Commerce in SP cited great opportunities in biogas.

Chamber of Commerce in SP cited great opportunities in biogas.
Graziano Messana, president of Italcam | Photo: Italcam.

In a global scenario in which sustainability is a priority for economic competitiveness, Brazil is consolidating itself as a key player in the ecological transition.

 “The country has adopted innovative instruments to reduce emissions, including the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading System.

And, in this context, the biogas market emerges as a sector with great potential, with several Italian players already operating”, says Graziano Messana, president of the Italian Chamber of Commerce of São Paulo (Italcam).

Messana highlights the presence of companies such as Asja Ambiente, with six plants, the AB group, Termomeccanica – with Adicomp – and Cavanna – with Gaslive -, in addition to the recent acquisition of 3DI by the Pietro Fiorentini group, which will promote local production with the transfer of Italian know-how.

“The Brazilian system works in a similar way to a stock exchange, offering a market where companies can offset their emissions by purchasing carbon credits, but also by investing in sustainability projects,” he explains.

Furthermore, despite Brazil already having one of the greenest energy matrices on the planet, with more than 83% of energy produced from traditional renewable sources, the race for sustainable solutions continues.

 “The biogas production sector is emerging with great potential for transformation, and advanced technologies allow the conversion of organic waste and biomass into clean energy, adding yet another ecological and sustainable alternative, with a market estimated at around US$6 billion, according to McKinsey, and projected to reach US$60 billion by 2040,” says Messana. (HANDLE)

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