At least nine candidates are competing this Saturday (9) for four vacancies for councilors in the CGIE (Consiglio Generale degli Italiani all'Estero). Other candidates may present themselves on election day.
The election takes place at the Brazilian International Convention Center, in Brasília, in an electoral process supervised by the Embassy of Italy.
The new counselors will be chosen by representatives of 54 Italian associations nominated by the Embassy itself, and by 120 counselors from Comites in Brazil. The Italian body pays for air tickets and hotel accommodation for all voters.
O CGIE is a representative body of Italian communities abroad and is guaranteed in Italian Constitution – articles 3 and 35.
The 9 candidates for the CGIE are:
Ana Maria Cani de Almeida
Espírito Santo
Andrea Lanzi
President of the Anita and Giuseppe Garibaldi Association
Rio de Janeiro
Cilmar Franceschetto
General Director of the ES Public Archive
Espírito Santo
Daniel Taddone
Pasquale Pierrini
Federal District
Renato Sartori
System and database specialist
São Paulo
Silvia Alciati
Minas Gerais
Stephania Puton
Rio Grande do Sul
Walter Petruzziello